Tuesday, December 5, 2023

monastery swiftspear banned in pauper


 i haven't played pauper in a while so i might be talking out of my ass here. swiftspear doesn't seem that broken of a card. it's good. like really really good. but it never felt ban worthy to me. 

gavin's logic for the ban vs not banning other things feels faulty to me. he said bushwhacker/rebirth was fine because it's been part of pauper for so long. that's the same logic people use to keep brainstorm in legacy. it was bad logic then and it's bad logic now. on top of that he mentioned double tolarian terror on turn three which is somehow fine? i don't get it. feels inconsistent to me.

the worst thing is according to his data rdw isn't even that good. it's highly favored in g1 of most matches but just dies g2/g3. he said something to the effect of decks having to dedicate eight sideboard slots to rdw which i agree would be pretty bad for the health of pauper. i skimmed mtggoldfish and found decks having like four slots to it. then again i skimmed and he has more data than me so maybe i just wasn't seeing enough lists. 

in the end i think the ban is stupid but i'm also biased. i've been a red player for 20 years. seeing red get nerfed but blue of all colors getting a pass seems like a kick in the dick. white getting to keep all that glitters is fine to me because white aggro has also gotten the short end of the stick for a long time.

who knows? like i said i might be talking out my ass here. find out next time on dragon ball z.

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